The Scholarship Program
The Scholarship Program
The scholarship program was started in 1947. Under this program the Foundation grants scholarships to residents of Kanabec, Pine and Washington Counties in Minnesota. While the majority of students under this program are graduating seniors, applications from college students are accepted.
Scholarships are granted on a competitive basis and includes analysis of financial need, above average scholastic performance, and community and school involvement. Students awarded scholarships are granted up to $2,750.00 per year, depending upon their need. A student must attend an accredited college or university within the United States on a full-time basis. The choice of the school is the student’s; however, analysis of financial need will be determined based on the cost of the school selected by the student. Scholarship funding is limited to four years of undergraduate studies.
Local high school committees assist us by rating applicants to the Tozer Foundation. In selecting students, the Foundation considers the student’s grade point average, College Entrance examination results, character and industriousness. We also take into account student’s activities in their high school and in their community. We try to select well-rounded students who have demonstrated that they will be successful in college.
The Tozer Scholarship is renewable. A recipient may receive the award for a total of four years; provided he or she maintains an above-average grade point and submits his or her renewal application in a timely manner.